Cheryl Wilson-Smith Profile

Lancaster, PA Based Psychotraumatology Practice Serving Pennsylvania and Florida
Advanced Counseling and Research Services
Liberty Place
313 West Liberty Street, Ste. 224
Lancaster, PA 17603
Tel. 717-394-3994Fax: (717) 394-0124email:

Cheryl Wilson-Smith
CEO and Chief Clinical Officer

Anxiety, PTSD, and Trauma Expert and Chief Clinical Officer Cheryl Wilson-Smith
  • Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC);
    • Pa. Lic. PC006514
    • Fl. Lic. TPMC1044 
  • Certified Traumatologist (CT)
  • National Certified Counselor (NCC)
  • Certified Clinical Mental Health Counselor (CCMHC)
  • Certified Clinical Trauma Professional (CCTP)
  • Certified in Emergency Crisis Response (CECR)
  • Master of Arts (MA)
  • 20+ years of clinical experience.
  • Worked with clients across the lifespan.

Cheryl Wilson-Smith, M.A., LPC, LMHC, NCC, CCMHC, CT, CCTP, CECR, is a highly qualified and experienced mental health professional with a diverse range of skills and expertise. With over 20 years of clinical experience, Cheryl has dedicated her career to helping individuals across the lifespan overcome various challenges and traumas.

Throughout her career, Cheryl has held positions in different settings including:

  • hospital-based emergency departments;
  • community residential programs;
  • community case management agencies; and
  • outpatient programs.

This diverse training and experience have equipped her with a comprehensive understanding of mental health issues and effective treatment approaches.

As a Certified Traumatologist (CT) and a Certified Clinical Trauma Professional (CCTP), Cheryl possesses specialized knowledge and skills in working with individuals who have experienced trauma. She is recognized as a subject matter expert in Trauma by various institutions, both public and private.

Cheryl’s expertise in Trauma extends to her volunteer work as a Disaster Mental Health (DMH) and Disaster Behavioral Health (DBH) provider, as well as her role as a Government Liaison through organizations such as the American Red Cross, the Green Cross, and the Medical Reserve Corp. She actively participates in Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM) and provides concierge services to local law enforcement, businesses, and organizations.

Currently, Cheryl is the owner of a private counseling practice that is evidence-based and focuses on providing clinical services to individuals experiencing Chronic and Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), military sexual assault, sexual assault, and combat exposure. Her practice serves both civilian and military personnel, offering specialized care tailored to their unique needs.

In addition to her clinical work, Cheryl also serves as a consultant for various organizations including:

  • local police;
  • school districts;
  • physicians; and
  • community agencies.

Her expertise and insights are sought after to enhance their understanding of mental health issues and develop effective strategies for support and intervention.

Cheryl also supervises individuals seeking state licensure, guiding and mentoring them in their professional development.

Cheryl’s passion for education and sharing her knowledge.

  • She became an adjunct professor at two local universities.
  • She taught graduate clinical counseling and undergraduate psychology courses, contributing to the development of future mental health professionals.
  • She co-developed a multiple-course sequence leading to a Behavioral Health minor in Trauma and crisis education at one of the institutions she was associated with.
  • Furthermore, Cheryl’s commitment to crisis intervention and prevention is evident through her former role as a Senior Associate Trainer for the Crisis Prevention Institute. She trained students in verbal de-escalation and non-violent physical crisis interventions, empowering them to become competent Crisis Interventionists.

    With her extensive qualifications, clinical expertise, and dedication to Trauma-Informed care, Cheryl Wilson-Smith is a highly respected mental health professional who continues to make a positive impact in the lives of her clients, students, and the broader community.