Comprehensive Therapy for Anxiety, PTSD, and Trauma

EMDR, CBT, DBT, PE, Brainspotting and More

In-Person and Online
Girl Suffering from Anxiety, PTSD, or Trauma
Advanced Counseling and Research Services
Psychotraumatology Practice Serving Pennsylvania and Florida
Trauma and PTSD Counseling in Lancaster, PA
Liberty Place
313 West Liberty Street, Ste. 224
Lancaster, PA 17603
Tel. 717-394-3994Fax: (717) 394-0124email:
Anxiety/PTSD/Trauma Treatment Formats
Anxiety/PTSD/Trauma Therapy Modalities
Professional Accountability
Trauma Educational Services
Trauma Research Support
Clinical Supervision
Girl Suffering from Anxiety, PTSD, or Trauma
"ACRS Trauma-Informed Care Specialists Can and Will Help You..."

Anxiety and Trauma Therapy plays a crucial role in our lives because Anxiety and Trauma are something that everyone encounters at some point. You may have PTSD after experiencing or witnessing a traumatic event. Your experience with Anxiety, PTSD, and Trauma is unique and shaped by your circumstances. How you react to Anxiety, Trauma, and PTSD can vary widely based on your background, resilience, and the support systems you have in place.

If you or someone you know is facing challenges related to Anxiety, Trauma, or has PTSD, contact our mental health experts at Advanced Counseling and Research Services. Help can be a crucial first step toward your recovery. Our compassionate team of highly qualified therapists is here to help support you. We can and will help you. You don't have to suffer because your healing starts here. Contact Us today.

Mental Conditions Treated at ACRS

Our Service Area

  • ACRS is currently licensed in Pennsylvania and Florida.
  • Residents of other states who travel to our office in Pennsylvania or Florida qualify for treatment.
  • Online Telehealth users must be located in Pennsylvania or Florida during their Telehealth session.

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Do you live further away?
Consider ACRS Telehealth Counseling.

What Is the Difference Between Anxiety, Trauma, and PTSD?

What Is Anxiety?

Woman Experiencing Trauma
  • Anxiety is your body’s natural response to stress, characterized by excessive worry, fear, or unease about future situations.
  • Anxiety is often accompanied by physical symptoms like a rapid heartbeat, sweating, restlessness, or difficulty breathing.
  • Unlike occasional nervousness, Anxiety can persist even when no immediate threat exists. Anxiety often involves overthinking, a sense of dread, and intrusive thoughts that feel overwhelming and hard to control.
  • While mild Anxiety may help with focus or motivation, chronic Anxiety can interfere with daily life, impacting your relationships, work, and health.
  • Common manifestations include Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD), panic attacks, and social Anxiety.
  • Anxiety stems from a combination of factors including genetics, brain chemistry, personality, or traumatic experiences.
  • Anxiety is manageable with treatments like therapy, breathing techniques, lifestyle changes, or medication.

What is Trauma?

Girl Experiencing Trauma
  • Trauma is a psychological and emotional response to a deeply distressing or disturbing experience. It can result from events such as abuse, accidents, loss, violence, or natural disasters.
  • Trauma often overwhelms your ability to cope, leaving you feeling helpless, unsafe, or disconnected. Trauma can manifest emotionally as fear, anxiety, guilt, or shame, and physically through symptoms like exhaustion, tension, or difficulty sleeping.
  • Trauma can be acute (from a single event), chronic (prolonged exposure to stress), or complex (multiple, layered events over time).
  • Trauma affects your brain and body, potentially altering how you process emotions, memories, and relationships.
  • Everyone processes Trauma differently; for some, the effects may heal with time and support, while others develop conditions like post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
  • Healing involves therapy, self-care, and creating a sense of safety and stability.

What Is PTSD?

Man Experiencing PTSD

PTSD, or Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, is a specific mental health condition that can develop after experiencing or witnessing a traumatic event.

While you usually associate PTSD with the military, police, firefighters, and first responders, it can happen to anyone. However, unlike Trauma, it doesn't necessarily happen to everyone.

Symptoms include

  • intrusive memories,
  • avoidance of reminders of the Trauma,
  • negative changes in mood and cognition, and
  • heightened Anxiety and irritability.

We Understand the Weight of Anxiety, PTSD, and Trauma—and We're Here to Help

When people express a desire to eliminate Anxiety, PTSD, or Trauma, they often articulate a range of feelings, thoughts, and hopes. Here are common themes and sentiments. Do they apply to you?

Desire for Healing

"I just want to feel normal again," or "I want to move on with my life without this pain."

Frustration with Symptoms

"I’m tired of feeling this way," or "I want to stop reliving the past."

Hope for a Better Future

"I believe I can overcome this," or "I want to find peace and happiness again."

Desire for Understanding

"I want others to understand what I’ve been through," or "I wish people would stop telling me to just get over it."

Seeking Control

"I want to take back my life," or "I want to stop feeling like a victim."

Longing for Closure

"I want to put this behind me," or "I need to find a way to let go of the past."

Need for Support

"I need help to get through this," or "I wish I had someone to talk to who understands."

We do understand how you're feeling, and we're here to help you. We can help you.

Trauma Therapist Supporting Patient

Our expert and compassionate clinicians understand your feelings, and we can help you. The hope and healing you're looking for is a phone call away.

Call us today at 717-394-3994or Contact Us Online

Understanding Your Trauma Helps You Heal

How Does Trauma Affect the Brain?

Healing from Trauma Video Thumbnail
Play Video

Watch this video to find out:

  • How your Automatic Nervous System (ANS) affects your mental and physical wellness.
  • How Trauma can adversely affect your ANS.
  • Why Trauma is a response to an experience and not the event itself.
  • The Types of Trauma.
  • Steps you can take to heal your ANS and recover from Trauma.


What Is Psychotraumatology?

  • It is the interdisciplinary study of psychological Trauma and its effects on individuals and communities.
  • It encompasses the understanding of how traumatic experiences impact your
    • mental health,
    • behavior, and
    • overall well-being.
  • Provides a comprehensive approach to Trauma and PTSD treatment and recover by integrating knowledge from
    • psychology,
    • psychiatry,
    • neuroscience, and
    • social sciences

Anxiety, PTSD, and Trauma Therapy

We utilize evidence-based techniques to address the emotional and psychological effects of Anxiety, PTSD, and Trauma, enabling you to regain control over your life. Evidence-based treatment modalities are therapeutic approaches that have been scientifically validated through research to effectively address the symptoms and effects of Anxiety, PTSD, and Trauma.
While treatment modalities for Anxiety, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). and Trauma have some similarities, they also have distinct differences due to the nature of the conditions.

The choice of modality, or combination of modalities, depends on your specific needs, preferences, and the nature of your Anxiety, PTSD, or Trauma. Therefore, it's crucial for your therapist to be trained in these approaches and to tailor treatment to your unique circumstances to achieve the best outcomes.

ACRS Counseling Modalities for Anxiety, Trauma, and PTSD

Brainspotting Therapy

Brainspotting Therapy

Brainspotting operates on the principle that where you look affects how you feel. A therapist helps you identify "brainspots," which are eye positions linked to stored emotional experiences or trauma in the brain. By maintaining focus on the brainspot while fostering mindfulness and connection, the brain processes and releases unresolved emotions at a profound neurobiological level.

Brainspotting leverages the brain's natural ability to heal, mainly targeting the subcortical regions responsible for emotional and sensory processing. It is effective for a variety of challenges, including PTSD, Anxiety, Depression, chronic pain, and performance issues.

Brainspotting is compassionate, client-centered, and adaptable, making it suitable for individuals of all ages. Brainspotting promotes long-lasting healing and personal growth by fostering self-awareness and emotional regulation.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

CBT Therapy

CBT addresses fears, worries, or irrational thoughts fueling Anxiety, helping you develop coping strategies to manage symptoms of Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD), Panic Disorder, and Social Anxiety.

CBT is a short-term, goal-oriented psychotherapy treatment that takes a hands-on, practical approach to problem-solving. Its core principle is that your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors are interconnected, and negative thoughts and behaviors can trap you in cycles of distress. CBT helps you identify and challenge these unhelpful thought patterns and develop healthier coping mechanisms.

Through techniques like cognitive restructuring, behavioral experiments, and exposure therapy, CBT empowers you to change your thinking and behavior, leading to improved mood and reduced symptoms of various mental health conditions like Anxiety and Depression.

Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT)

DBT Therapy

DBT is a type of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy designed to help you manage intense emotions and improve relationships. It emphasizes the synthesis of acceptance and change, teaching you to accept their your emotional state while working towards positive change.

DBT focuses on developing four core skill sets: Mindfulness, Distress Tolerance, Emotion Regulation, and Interpersonal Effectiveness. These skills help you navigate challenging situations, cope with overwhelming emotions, and build healthier relationships.

DBT is particularly effective if you're struggling with borderline personality disorder, self-harm, and suicidal thoughts.

EMDR Therapy (Eye Movement Desensitization
and Reprocessing Therapy)

EMDR Therapy

EMDR is used to treat Trauma and other distressing life experiences. It involves recalling disturbing memories while focusing on bilateral stimulation, such as eye movements, taps, or sounds. This process helps your brain reprocess the traumatic memories, reducing their emotional intensity and negative impact.

EMDR is effective for PTSD, Anxiety, Phobias, and other mental health conditions. It aims to desensitize you to traumatic memories and replace negative beliefs with positive ones, fostering healing and emotional regulation.

Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP) Therapy

PE Therapy

ERP is a highly effective, evidence-based treatment for Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) and related Anxiety Disorders. ERP empowers you to tolerate uncertainty, manage intrusive thoughts, and develop healthier coping mechanisms, leading to long-lasting relief and emotional well-being.

ERP involves gradually exposing you to feared thoughts, situations, or sensations (exposures) while helping you resist the urge to engage in compulsive behaviors (response prevention). Over time, this process reduces the fear and distress related to triggers, enabling individuals to build resilience and regain control over their lives.

Unlike avoidance, which reinforces anxiety, ERP encourages you to confront your fears in a safe and controlled environment, thereby breaking the obsessive-compulsive cycle.

ERP Therapy is typically conducted with the guidance of a trained therapist and is tailored to each person’s unique needs and goals.

Prolonged Exposure Therapy (PE)

PE Therapy

Prolonged Exposure (PE) Therapy is a type of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) used to treat PTSD and other Anxiety disorders. It involves gradually confronting the feared memories and situations you have avoided since the Trauma. Through repeated exposure in a safe and controlled environment, your Anxiety associated with these triggers diminishes over time.

PE also involves processing your traumatic memory by talking about it in detail, which helps to reduce its emotional power. This combination of imaginal and in-vivo (real-life) exposure enables you to regain control and reduce the impact of Anxiety, PTSD, and Trauma on your life.

Other Therapy Techniques

  • Narrative Therapy: Encourages you to tell your stories, helping you understand your experiences.
  • Somatic Experiencing: Focuses on your body’s physical response to Trauma and aims to release stored tension and trauma
  • Mindfulness and Relaxation Techniques: Includes meditation and deep breathing to help you manage trauma-related stress and Anxiety.
  • Psychoeducation: Educating you about Trauma and its effects can help you understand your experiences and develop coping strategies.

Outpatient Anxiety, PTSD, and Trauma Care at ACRS

Individual Treatment
Individual Trauma and PTSD Treatment Programs

We offer individualized treatment In-Person or via Telehealth on your computer, tablet, or smartphone.

Group Treatment
Group Trauma and PTSD Treatment Programs

Facilitated sessions where you share your experiences and support each other in a group setting.

Online Telehealth Treatment
Telehealth Trauma and PTSD Treatment Programs

Allows you to receive online mental health support for trauma-related issues through digital platforms.

Concierge Counseling
Concierge Trauma and PTSD Counseling

Personalized and often luxury approach to mental health care that typically offers you more service, privacy, and customization than traditional therapy settings.

Veterans PTSD Support
Veteran PTSD Support Program

We offer compassionate support and effective, tailored treatment for veterans facing the unique challenges of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).

Our Trauma-Informed Clinicians

Cheryl Wilson-Smith
CEO and Chief Clinical Officer
Anxiety, PTSD, and Trauma Expert and Chief Clinical Officer Cheryl Wilson-Smith
  • Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC);
    • Pa. Lic. PC006514
    • Fl. Lic. TPMC1044 
  • Certified Traumatologist (CT)
  • National Certified Counselor (NCC)
  • Certified Clinical Mental Health Counselor (CCMHC)
  • Certified Clinical Trauma Professional (CCTP)
  • Certified in Emergency Crisis Response (CECR)
  • Master of Arts (MA)
  • 20+ years of clinical experience.
  • Worked with clients across the lifespan.

Read Cheryl's Profile

Jenna M. Wolfe
Clinician and Licensure Supervisor
Trauma Therapist Jenna Wolfe
  • Licensed Professional Counselor (PA-13890)
  • Certified Alcohol and Drug Counselor (CAADC)
  • Certified Clinical Trauma Professional (CCTP)
  • Certified Dialectical Behavioral Therapist (C-DBT)
  • Certified Mindfulness Informed Professional (CMIP)
  • Master of Arts (MA)

Skilled in Person Centered Therapy, Motivational Interviewing, Dialectical Behavior Therapy

Read Jenna's Profile

Cady R. Monasmith
Trauma Therapist Cady Monosmith
  • Licensed Professional Counselor (PA-015668)
  • Certified Dialectical Behavioral Therapist (C-DBT)
  • Certified Clinical Trauma Professional (CCTP)
  • Certified Dancing Mindfulness Facilitator (CDMF)
  • Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA)

Practiced in artistic expressionism, specifically dance and other performing arts.

Read Cady's Profile

Kim Civitarese
Professional Counselor
Trauma Therapist Kim Civitarese
  • Cognitive Processing Therapist (CPT)
    Pre-licensed Clinician

Experience working with adolescents, couples, the elderly population, blended families, and families in the adoption process.

Read Kim's Profile

Philip Himmelstein
Masters Level Intern
Trauma Therapist Mark Himmelstein
  • Bachelor of Philosophy (B.Phil)

Read Philip's Profile

Seth Markwalter
Masters Level Intern
Trauma Therapist Seth Markwalter
  • Bachelor of Science in Psychology (BS)

Read Seth's Profile

Why Choose Advanced Counseling and Research Services?

  • Experienced Professionals: Our team comprises licensed therapists with extensive training in Anxiety, PTSD, and Trauma-Informed care.
  • Safe and Supportive Environment: We prioritize creating a welcoming space where you can feel comfortable sharing your experiences.
  • Personalized Approach: We recognize that your journey is unique and tailor therapy to fit your specific needs and goals.

Taking the first step toward healing can be daunting, but you don’t have to do it alone. We are here to guide you through the process.

Contact us today to set up an initial consultation. We’ll discuss your needs and determine your best path forward.

Contact Us Online or

Call Us at 717-394-3994
Liberty Place
Advanced Counseling and Research Servives Office Building at Liberty Place

Cheryl Wilson-Smith
CEO and Chief Clinical Officer

Certified Anxiety, PTSD, and Trauma Therapist Cheryl Wilson-Smith
  • Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC);
    • Pa. Lic. PC006514
    • Fl. Lic. TPMC1044 
  • Certified Traumatologist (CT)
  • National Certified Counselor (NCC)
  • Certified Clinical Mental Health Counselor (CCMHC)
  • Certified Clinical Trauma Professional (CCTP)
  • Certified in Emergency Crisis Response (CECR)
  • Master of Arts (MA)
  • 20+ years of clinical experience.
  • Worked with clients across the lifespan.

Read Cheryl's Profile

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